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Why Every Entrepreneur Needs Media Training

BAM's Lessons from Dandapani: Unveiling the Power of Purpose

Whether you're the founder of an early-stage startup or a Fortune 500 company CEO, you will likely have the chance to speak to the media one day. When it's your time to shine, it's essential to feel confident in your skills. Approach the interview with the mindset of "I got this". After all, you're working with one of the most powerful mediums of our time, and do not want to misrepresent your company or ruin your chances of being featured in a top-tier outlet. 

On the other hand, you may have had a few interactions with the media and feel like you've already got the hang of interviews. While it's great to have a baseline of knowledge, the key to acing an interview is practice. Media training provides the perfect environment to stay up to date on your company's key messages and refresh on tips and tricks to nail your media interviews. For these reasons, media training is crucial for every entrepreneur.

1. Put your best foot forward
It's not every day you get to speak with a reporter in your field, so when the opportunity comes, making a good impression is essential. You should aim to deliver solid messages, build a positive relationship with a reporter, and serve as a reliable source. This ensures the reporter will want to speak with you again in the future and solidifies your chances of being added to their Rolodex of knowledgeable sources.

2. Hit those key messages 
You have an interview lined up, so how can you make the most of it and ensure a valuable outcome? Media training emphasizes the importance of hitting talking points that are critical to your brand. During this training, spokespeople can practice mock interviews and reiterate key messages for various scenarios. Don't miss your opportunity to share factual and intentional messages about your brand. 

3. Land coverage for you and your company
Not every interview results in a published piece or segment. While this happens for various reasons, lack of media training should not be one. Proper training gives executives the confidence to address questions meaningfully and equips them with soundbites to help nail any interview. Good media training will also give executives a better idea of what to expect during the interaction, bringing the number of surprises down to a minimum.  

4. Navigate difficult situations
Reporters can be tricky, whether they're referencing a statistic you've never heard of or pressing to hear about an upcoming partnership. There will likely come a time when the spokesperson will think, "I'm not sure how to navigate this." It's a reporter's job to dig up dirt and ask the tough questions, which makes it the executive's job to make sure they can handle those situations. Media training educates the spokesperson on the tools and techniques to tap into in any sticky situation, including bridging, blocking, and flagging. 

BAM frequently helps tech-driven companies refine their stories and prepare for their time with media. Media training allows spokespeople to get uncomfortable, test their skills, and prepare for difficult situations. Executives are much more likely to ace an interview if they've had proper training and have set themselves up for success. Interested in media training? Fill out our getting started form to chat with our team.


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