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Our Approach

BAM by LLYC does more than just email pitches on your behalf. We use a four-pronged approach that ensures our venture-backed startups dominate their markets, accelerate fundraising, and get to exits. 


We are passionate storytellers that work with you to bring your story to the right audience through our media relationships.



We integrate marketing into your media relations strategy to amplify your earned media coverage and make sure every internal employee, VC, LP, or sales prospect knows your story. 



We curate 40+ events a year to bring together leaders in venture, media, and tech to give our clients the advantage of developing strategic and beneficial relationships. 



We are in constant communication with our network of 400+ notable venture funds to help you get in front of the right audience at the right time.



Stories sell but results compel. We’ve driven measured, qualitative impact for dozens of our venture backed clients across Early stage (seed + Series A), healthtech, logistics/supply chain, consumer tech, AI, fintech, sustainability, enterprise/B2B, and growth (Series D+ to IPO).

Our Clients

We call ourselves BAMfs. If you know, you know. Our 300+ combined years of tech and storytelling experience drive us every day. 
