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Supportive Santa at BAM

BAM's Lessons from Dandapani: Unveiling the Power of Purpose

Gift giving isn’t just fun and festive-it’s good for your health. There’s a “helper’s high” in the form of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin that a giver gets from gifting. This Supportive Santa season, a tradition at BAM where we have 60 days to delight our “matches” twice a year, hit a new level of gifting.


Here are some of the highlights from our Fall Supportive Santa season that brought joy and delight to BAMfs:  

“Pictures don’t do it justice but Louie (and I!) want to shout out my Secret Santa for the thoughtful Chewy basket!!! I won’t be spending Thanksgiving with Louie this year, so happy he’ll have yummy treats and toys to keep him company ♥️🙏🏼” - Briana Trulear, Account Manager

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“My supportive Santa gift in action!! I’m definitely the coolest kid at this empty park 😎🎄🏕. 

AaaHhhhh 🥺thank you supportive Santa for this super cute and thoughtful and creative gift!! I can’t wait to use it tomorrow 🥰🥳🌃 I honestly didn’t even know this was a THING 🤩💡💫” - Sara Jamhour, Partnership Associate 

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“Shoutout to my supportive Santa for a great gift, Reese's book club package! Excited about everything included. Thank you 🧑‍🎄!!” - Samantha Mignacca, Sr. Account Executive

4-Dec-22-2022-07-35-34-3270-PM“Supportive Santa keeping the gift train rolling today! 🥳🎁” - Jenny Bourne, Account Manager

6-Dec-22-2022-07-35-31-9253-PM“An AMAZING Friday surprise from my supportive Santa! 🧁I actually tried to go to a vegan bakery last weekend but it closed so I have been bummed and sweets-deprived. Perfect timing!!” - Rosina Ferrante, Sr. Account Executive


“Thank you supportive Santa for the new plant baby! 🌿It was packaged so nicely! Very impressed” - Sarah Pekala, Sr. Account Director


"Supportive Santa's are WORKING ♥️I was so surprised (and ngl nervous thinking I accidentally ordered something hehe) Thank you x1000!!" - Meghan Russell, Account Coordinator




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